698 km

Good to be in the Netherlands now..

That was 698 km in total, zeven days, two flat tires, one afternoon with heavy rain, a lot of days with heavy southwestern wind, 6 hotels, 4 stops at lidl for apfeltaschen and muesli-bars, a great welcome at the finish line, and a lot of friendly people on the way…

We’re glad we did it.. would we do it again? Hmm not the next couple of years..:-)

Thanks to all that supported us.. !!

(And Pølse-Flemming, I think you owe me a beer.. when I told you about our plan, you started laughing very loud and said “you???”.. )

# Bendstrup » Karise = 97,5 km
# Karise » Burg auf Fehmern = 120,7 km
# Burg auf Fehmern » Bad Segeberg = 103,3 km
# Bad Segeberg » Zeven = 118,1 km
# Zeven » Cloppenburg = 111,8 km
# Cloppenburg » Nordhorn = 90,4 km
# Nordhorn » Hupsel = 56,2 km

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Checkpoint Enschede


And below picture only funny for the Danes.. 🙂
Har man lyst til at spise der???


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New phone number +31

You can now reach me on:

+31 6 8198 7769

(The German number is gone)

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Last lap

After a bit of panic from Denmark this morning  everything seems fine now, I talked to Lærke this morning it’s she is doing good, as well are all other kids, and they’re coming home tonight.

So, we’re taking off in a bit, on the last stage, the hotel has prepared lunchboxes for us (how nice of them).

Trip today is a homerun, half of it I used to bike (summer only) as a teenager to school in Enschede.

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Nordhorn, very close to NL now..

I can almost smell Grolsch..

Easy day today, only 90km, so we took it easy..

How we started the day:


How we ended the day:


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WTF, did we take a wrong turn? :-)


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Oooh gimme a break..

The entire week, the wind has been blowing from southwest.. and then what happens when we’re supposed to arrive…?
Yeah, it changes to northeast!!


Thanks a lot mister wind!

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Cloppenburg, end of stage 5

Nice weather, and no rain until the last half an hour. Another 112km in the box..

Then some team news:
Emil has established a habit to sprint to every single city limits sign, he wins most of the times, so I think it’s fair to give him the green jersey.

Also we’ve been needing to find a short way to communicate with each other, and both because of lack of knowledge about the real cycling language, as well as the fact that we don’t find the Danish words very charming ‘bag fra’ (in the rear), we created our own:

Ko (cow)= cyclist/pedestrian ahead coming towards us.
Gris (pig)= cyclist/pedestrian we’re about to pass.
Hest (horse)= cyclist about to pass us.

And today we actually noticed that we haven’t seen any horses since we’re in Germany.. so that could mean that we’ve become awfully fast, or the Germans are just simply very slow..



Saying goodbye to the A1, today we crossed her for the last time, she has been a confident partner, as we’ve crossed her 7 times..


View from the balcony in Cloppenburg

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Checkpoint Bremen


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Stadt Zeven

Stage 4 completed as planned, 118 km.. we feel good, although we can feel our legs and ass..
Great weather, so the average speed was high.. 20km across Hamburg slowed down a little, but was nice to see (see previous post).
Now relax and have a beer in sunny Zeven

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HH stands for halfway 🙂

Harbor ferry



And then Airbus Finkenwerder, the Beluga landed just over our head when on the ferry.. then we saw it getting loaded on the airfield, and while having a döner in Buxtehude, it flew right over again after take off.. what a machine, no doubt where the name comes from..





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Bad Segeberg

Still according plan, today was the day where we:

– bought sunscreen, and we actually used/needed it
– had no rain at all, but still a lot of wind right in the face
– saw a submarine
– did 103 km
– replaced our first tire
– had no internet, the German SIM I bought  yesterday needs 24 hour to activate, now 22 have past still not working 🙁


Das Boot, Burgstaaken




One hour later;


Bitte ein bit:


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New phone number: +49

Have now swapped SIM cards, if you need to call or SMS, then please do that on:

+49 176 3997 6823

I’ll have this number the next week or so..
(My Danish number it’s active, but I won’t hear/see it in the daytime).

Or send message on Google hangout, even better , or here on the blog of course 🙂

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Day 2 completed as planned..

But fucking hell, that was though!!!!
Heavy head-on-wind all day!!!
We did 118 km, but it feels like 218!

But we’re good now, heading for the sauna, and then jaegerschnnitzel…

Og ja, røvi, det er officielt nu, emil og jeg hader nu Lolland lige så meget som dig 😉


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Major milestone.. the ferry!


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Checkpoint Storstrømsbroen



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Coffee stop in Præstø Havn

First 32km down, but still long way to go to Germany, and it’s so fucking windy 🙁


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Stage one completed as planned

Very wet we made it to Hans and his pancake house.. (when you’re in area stop by and have a pancake here).
We’re all good, dry again, and look back to an good day off biking.. Very nice the Team Windum joined us the first part..!
Tomorrow will be though, the killer stage..




Og se mor, vi tænker også på dig.. 🙂


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Everything wet..

Tot in de bilnaat (fri oversæt: ‘helt ned i røv sprækken’, hollandsk udtryk for at være gennemblødt).
Except our luggage, our ‘rocket’ is functioning perfect..


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Stage 1, lunch@Solveig with team Windum

Thanks to team Windum’s support riders Peter and Jens-Christian!
We’re now half way day one, for lunch in Glostrup, all fine so far, but the rain has kicked in.. 🙁



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Starting the countdown..

We’re all set now..



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(Live) Route updates

I plan to upload the daily trip, as long as I can keep enough juice on the mobile, the “Google My Tracks” should be recording all our turns.

Check here: Route
(The blue markers are ‘expected’ overnight stays)
( The little map here on the right should be moving real-time, as long as we have internet)

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A bike with history

Not just average bikes we’re riding, these belong to the cycling legend Jørgen (morfar), this purple bike has been all over Europe already, including Barcelona > Copenhagen.


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Our new sponsored gear..




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The plan: 700km straight South-West

Bendstrup (Hillerød) DK >>> Hupsel (Eibergen/Berkelland) NL

Emil & Martijn by bike, departure June 29th, expected arrival July 5th 2013.Selection_185

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